Better Late Than Never. | Ben Rhydding Golf Club
  • Ben Rhydding Golf Club, High Wood, Ben Rhydding, Ilkley, LS29 8SB
  • 01943 608759

Better Late Than Never.

  • Hi everyone and welcome to Captains blog,

    The last one i posted was march, hence the title. Hope everyone is ok as the covid situation is still around , at least we can get out for a game and the course is lookimg fantastic thanks to Andy, Ken and team. Also the clubhouse exterior is looking great as we’re spending a few bob and smartening the place up. it was looking a little untidy but the time is right.

    Funds and membership are doing really well and the club is thriving with big thanks to Mr secretary, Mr treasurer, and of course Alvin …what a great bloke he is… as he likes to tell us all lol. its great to see lots of new faces around with a few younger members such as Alfie, Luke and Asa who along with Aron Ned Scott and Will are trying to bring down the average age of our club members, not easy .. just joking, we have a great balance just now.

    With the major competitions not happening this year Owen set up the covid cup .. and what a fantastic job he did, 36 players entered and were put into four divisions of nine , all playing each other in matchplay and accumilating points, i’ve got to say it realy was a brilliant format and i know we all thoroughly enjoyed it, we’re currently at the semi final stage, so well done to our division winners and thanks to everyone for taking part, also thanks to the guys that did the match reports, they made brilliant reading and really captured the spirit of the comp. with of course a massive thankyou to Owen for setting it up and all the hard work he put into it.

    We had a great a great day out at cookridge on the past captains and committee club trip, and carried it on back at our club where a few of us had quite a skinfull.. yours truly being one of them, along with Fatha, thanks to Luke for setting it all up and for the £40 Two’s money which as it did’nt get won, put to my charity, thanks also to Mark for the £60 scrap money he also donated. a very welcome top up to my charity. [Alzheimers research uk]

    Another great day was the Captain vPresident , which unfortunately my team lost to Fatha’s so congratulations to the President and his team, commisorations to my team but thanks to all who turned up to play and making it a great day. Big thanks to Owen for organizing, Andy and Graham for the bar and special Mark andTammy. sorry if i’ve missed anyone.

    We’re starting up the 100 club again this month with Dave Baker kindly running it, so anyone interested should see Dave who’ll be happy to take your cash .. or you could put money in an envelope with name date etc and post it into the entry fee box. we’d like as many as possible please.

    Well that’s about it for now peeps, take care everyone and stay safe.

    Best regards, Daz





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